Social Equity PowerPoint

Social Equity PowerPoint

For this assignment, you are asked to discuss why social equity necessarily has two faces–civil rights and economic rights. Further discuss why the American welfare state evolved as a pragmatic, not an ideological, solution to the pressing problem of social equity.

Create a PowerPoint Presentation that gives the history of both civil and economic rights. Then as a conclusion, based on the research you have completed, explain what the future trends are for both civil and economic rights pertaining to social equity.

Components of the presentation include the following: 

1. Include the history of economic rights, civil rights, and the American welfare system.

2. Make sure to touch on at least one of the following: nonracial discrimination, sexual harassment, and disabilities discrimination

3. Be a minimum of 10 slides, not including the title or reference slides, and No Pictures.

4. Include pictures in your presentation, and use at least two other sources other than your textbook for your presentation information. Within the last 5 years

5. Include between five and six abbreviated bullets for each slide—approximately 24-point font. 

6. Your presentation should be written in APA style with appropriate citations.

7. Include a title slide at the beginning of your presentation and a references slide at the end of your presentation for your resources.

When creating the presentation, craft it in a “business professional” manner with appropriate text proportions, consistent and professional font, and appropriate images to display your information.

While some features of PowerPoint may be “cool” or better at catching attention, it may not be suitable for presenting professional information and driving home your point.



Shafritz, J. M., Russell, E. W., & Borick, C. P. (2013). Introducing public administration

(8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Social Equity

Unit Lesson

Social equity is the fairness in the delivery of public services and that each citizen has a right to be given equal treatment by the political system. The 20th century has witnessed an outpouring of information regarding social equity and legislation that gave new rights to workers, women, and minorities. This has even been taken one step further as social equity has become one of the many criterions for evaluating the desirability of any public or policy program. Race can be defined as a large group of people with common characteristics presumed to be transmitted inherently. These would include, but is not limited to color of hair, skin, eyes, and emotions (in a more subtle order). One of the many hot topics dealing with race is the administration of the public affairs of a multiracial society. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is a concept fraught with political, cultural, and emotional connotations as it applies to a set of employment procedures that prevent an individual from being excluded from the hiring process based on race, color, sex, religion, age, etc. There is a fine line, however, with this type of practice that has been developed. That is, for some, gaining employment is as simple as possessing the minimum requirements as stated in the job announcement. Only the courts have been able to say when and where there is an issue with EEO.

It was not until 1961, in the Kennedy administration, that Affirmative Action and the EEO became a central aspect of public personnel administration. The administration required that “affirmative action” be used to implement a policy of non-discrimination in employment by the federal government and any of the contractors that were affiliated. This type of law was then forwarded into the Johnson era with the introduction of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Eventually, this developed into the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to prevent further discrimination in the private sector. During the Nixon administration it became law that EEO programs were to establish and maintain an affirmative action program of equal employment opportunity. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 further solidified the traditional policy of nondiscriminatory practices and further stimulated the Civil Service Commission’s position in dealing with types of discriminatory practices that may be experienced.

Even with the passage of these laws and making forward progress with affirmative action and equal employment opportunities, there still remains a disparity between the rates of Black, Hispanic, and White males. For example, occupational earnings for White males was $72,000 upon graduating from college, but Black and Hispanic males with equivalent degrees were earning 30% less than their counterparts (Bureau of the Census, 2006). With the passage of the CRA in 1964 it was unknown what an impact this law would have on sexual harassment and sexual discrimination in the workplace.

The federal government has had a history of creating legislation providing employment for the disabled. Toward the end of the Civil War, disabled veterans were amongst the first to receive benefits and employment preference. In 1919, right after WW I, employment preferences were extended to the wives of the disabled UNIT VII STUDY GUIDE Understanding Social Equity PUA 5301, Administration of Public Institutions 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title veterans. Moving forward, the Vocational Rehabilitation Act also provides a concrete definition of a handicapped or disabled individual: a) a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the person’s movements in daily life activities, b) a person who has a record of such impairment, and c) a person who is regarded as having such an impairment. Not until the passage of the American Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, programs begin to take shape regarding not discriminating against persons with disabilities in employment, transportation, access to facilities, and in removing existing barriers impeding wheelchair accessibility.

All public administrators have an obligation to advance social equity within their own organizations and public locations. The public administrator is obligated to administer the laws in a fair and respectful manner. It is interesting to note that this law was one bringing forth much controversy. Before the passage of many of the aforementioned laws discussed above, minorities and women were routinely denied equitable treatment and denied similar positions within places of employment that males were offered. This practice is no longer acceptable, protected by laws, and the organization is held legally liable for any objection to equal employment opportunities being announced.

In December 2010 the Congress passed, and President Obama signed, the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” in the U.S. military. The armed forces finalized the process of ending the policy during the summer of 2011 and by the fall of that year openly gay Americans could serve their country in the military.

The role of the public administrator is to advance social equity. This obligation can be legitimately and honorably interpreted in several ways. Some laws are controversial, such as the passage of the 1960s civil rights legislation, especially the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights of 1965. Today all large employers in the public and private sector are legally obligated to provide equal employment opportunity and legally liable if they don’t. Another way of interpreting obligations to advance social equity is to feel bound to proactively further the cause to seek to hire and advance a varied workforce.

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