Custom Essay Writing Service
  • 100% non-plagiarized papers
  • Fast customer service
  • Affordable prices
  • Money back and privacy guarantees
  • Satisfaction guarantee

100% Plagiarism-Free Essays.

Why Choose Us

Plagiarism free

We value originality. All orders are passed through plagiarism detectors before they are uploaded to ensure that will provide original content to our esteem customers.

Affordable prices

We value our customers due to that we have made our prices affordable to most of them. We also avail discount to our loyal customers. Check our charges from ‘Prices’ to familiarize with our prices and discount.

Quality papers

We have well-educated writers who have specified in various fields. Due to their experience and competence, these writers give quality papers which are submitted to our editors to check the papers before they are uploaded

Timely delivery

We understand time is essential in this field. Therefore, to ensure that the orders are submitted in time we have writers who work 24/7 to facilitate timely delivery of both urgent and long orders. We strive to keep time at the same time maintain quality.

How Can We Help Students?

Original and Top Quality Custom Essays For You

What our customers say

High-quality essays are effective. I recall these guys assisting me last semester when I was late submitting my project. I contacted them and within the shortest amount of time my work was completed and I received an A. I've been working with this team since that day. Thank you, Credible Nursing Papers.
I was frustrated when I was writing an application letter to attend American University. It was my dream to attend this university, but I couldn't write an effective application letter. I interviewed several professionals, but their letters were unconvincing until I was referred to Top Class Essay by a friend, who wrote an application letter that allowed me to be admitted to my dream university.  These guys are incredible
Top Class Essay are great. If I have a problem, their customer service is usually alert and friendly, and they address it as soon as possible. They make my problem seem simple. This group is incredible. I adore their offerings.
Because the majority of my assignments are usually urgent, time management is critical. Most of the writers I worked with prior to meeting Top Class Essays irritated me. They were unable to submit their orders on time, which had an impact on my performance because the majority of my classwork was never submitted. This is not the case with Top Class Essays; regardless of the nature of the paper, these guys deliver on time. Thank you once more for rescuing me from my previous predicaments.

Best Online Writing Service

Best paper prices

We have different prices depending on the type and the urgency of the paper. Our pricing considers our customer’s interest and the team that is dedicated to giving quality papers. We provide discount to our clients once they meet the terms and conditions


Our transactions are normally transparent to avoid security issues. We keep any communication between us and our clients for security reasons. Top Class Essays works according to the terms and conditions agreed before transactions.


All our payments are done through PayPal unless our medium is agreed between us and the clients. We insist that the clients make the down payment when placing the order and upon approving the order full payment should be conducted. We have partnered with PayPal to curb cases of clients who attempt not to pay for the delivered papers.

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