Russia the State: Revolution and Reform in Eurasia

Russia the state

Revolution and Reform in Eurasia

Description:  The collapse of central authority in the Soviet Union in 1991 ushered in a period of revolutionary transformations for the states that emerged from the union. The leaders of Russia, the USSR’s successor, since then have struggled to reestablish central authority, while at the same time trying to keep the country from further disintegration, establish a democratic polity, and institute a market economy. The case contrasts different approaches adopted by Presidents Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin and concludes with a vision outlined by Russia’s third post-Soviet president, Dmitry Medvedev. The case focuses on problems of state authority; fiscal capacity; institutionalization of political parties; relations between the federal center and provincial governments; relations between the state and big business; economic policy; and models of economic development, while The State (701077) frames the discussion in a larger context of the relationships between the state, order, and property, and provides a framework for how states vary from place to place and over time.

Please read Russia: Revolution and Reform and The State, and skim Russia: Tribulations and Toska, (which supplements and updates the cases) and consider the following assignment questions:

1 What were the key challenges facing Russian business and political leaders during the 1990s? During the 2000s? And today?

2 How should the U.S., European, and Russian governments respond to instability in Ukraine? In Syria and the Near East?


Discussion: Partisanship in the Congress

Reflect on partisanship in the Congress and discuss the proper role of the minority party in each house of the Congress. Is the frequent use of the filibuster for ideological purposes an act of patriotism or partisan politics at its worst?

Also discuss the proper role of the majority party in each house of the Congress. In responding to your classmates, discuss if you think its members should exclude the minority party whenever possible or try to compromise with them.

classmate post #1:

The proper role of the minority party in each house in Congress is to influence legislation at the committee level and ensure that all of the rules are being followed through the legislative process.  The minority should also use the court of public opinion through the media to fight egregious legislation and apply public pressure to the majority party.

The frequent use of filibuster is used by both parties equally for ideological purposes and for partisan politics at its worst.  While the ideological debates on various issues can be very informative, very seldom does the use of filibuster change the direction of the voting majority.  Filibuster has also been the cause of excessive delays in the confirmations of federal judge appointees, thus slowing down the judicial branch of government.

The proper role of the majority party in each house of the Congress is to control the referral of legislation to congressional committees and ultimately control the legislative process.   A bill’s survival depends on referral to a favorable committee.  The majority is also tasked with remaining cohesive in policy positions and protecting the brand of their respective political party.

Evans, J., & Michaud, K. (2019). Central Ideas in American Government (9th ed.). Asheville, NC: Soomo Learning. Retrieved from:

classmate post #2:

When looking into congress we have to realize that they are the ones who make the laws, of course after they’re signed by the president. It ismade up of two houses, the House of Reps and the Senate. Congress has the big responsibility to look out and take care of the citizens of the United States, make sure all laws are being abided and that the government is doing right by the people.

Both sides elect their leaders by ballots. The majority and minority group have very similiar responsibilities, they are in charge of making sure all of the laws that have been signed are being followed the right away , that they are being represented correctly. The slight differences between both is that the minority party has fewer seats and they also need to make deals to pass legislation laws, whereas the majority side does not.

Filibuster is a procedure wherer congree present a certain bill and they debate on whether or not they want to pass it.  They could delay it, or simply kill it all in all. They can do this by discussing potential issues that they believe can occur with it. When talkiing about this it’s honestly hard to determine whether or not filibuster is patriosm or partisanship, because every memeber of the congress or parliament has different ideas and reasons as to why certain bills shouldn’t be passed. So we cant say that filibusters are a bad thing, on the contrary at times it could be good, because some bills are not` passed` because they’re not good for the people, or it could allow for more in depth details about some of those bills.

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