Poor Communication Paper

Poor Communication Paper

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that demonstrates an example of poor intercultural communication that significantly affected international commerce or foreign policy.

Illustrate the lack of intercultural communication by clearly defining cultural patterns (theories, identity, and bias, for example) and communication devices (such as communication foundations and taxonomies) between two cultures. Select one or two intercultural communication theories needed to address and possibly resolve the example you have given.

Include answers to the following questions in your paper:

  • How do the two countries differ in their cultural patterns? How does communication play a role in each culture?
  • What communication devices were used by both parties in this example?
  • How did these devices work or not work in this particular intercultural communication example?
  • What key intercultural communication theorist would you enlist to help solve this intercultural communication problem? Summarize the position of your selected theorist and explain how their ideas might apply to the situation.
  • What approaches or theories may work to resolve your poor intercultural communication example?

Utilize at least two external peer-reviewed sources.

Social Responsibility Essay

Using this text answer the questions in a small essay

Imagine walking into a village in another country. You find that a local military officer is about to shoot three people lined up against the wall. You ask, “Why are you shooting these people? They look quite harmless.”

The officer says, “Last night somebody in this village shot one of my men. I know that somebody in this village is guilty, so I am going to shoot these three to set an example.”

You say,”You can’t do that! You’re going to kill an innocent person. If only one shot was fired, then perhaps two of these people are innocent, perhaps all three. You just can’t do that.”

The officer takes a rifle from one of his men and hands it to you saying, “You shoot one of them for me and I’ll let the other two go. You can save two lives if you shoot one of them. I’m going to teach you that in civil war you can’t have these holier than thou attitudes.”

Social Responsibility

In your own words, answer the following questions.

In what ways is voting said to be a civic responsibility?

What are the consequences of voting to your community?

What are the consequences of not voting to the community?

How would you try to convince non-voters to participate, given possible differences in age, education, culture, etc?


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