LGRD7910 Module 3 Exercises 

LGRD7910 Module 3 Exercises


LGRD7910 Module 3 Exercises 

Complete the Chapter 6 Exercise #1 and #2 (p. 215-216) using the calculator on http://iip.shrm.org. Then, respond to the following questions: Based on the data in the exercise, what is the productivity cost associated with employees who abuse alcohol at Sobriety Inc.? What is Hulakon’s ROI for its employee assistance program for the year? What do these exercises illustrate about the connection between wellness and productivity?Please submit your exercises here by either uploading a word document, pdf document, or a picture of a handwritten document. All are accepted. Keep in mind that to complete the homework you may need to use the calculator provided by the textbook (http://iip.shrm.org). 

Note: If using the 2nd edition of the textbook, complete Chapter 5 Exercise #1 and #2 (p. 137-138)

Grading Rubric:

90-100: Students clearly demonstrate how they completed the exercises and provide a short written response explaining their process in doing so. Students may or may not have received what could be considered a correct answer but they at least clearly explained their thought process and how they went about solving the exercises. Fluctuation in the score range depends on how clearly and specifically they articulate their response.

80-89: Students briefly reflect on how they completed the exercises with a short written response that somewhat explains their process. Students may or may not have received what could be considered a correct answer. Fluctuation in the score range depends on how clearly and specifically they articulate their response.

70-79: Students barely explain how they completed the exercises and provide little or no written response to articulate the process they went through. Students may or may not have received what could be considered a correct answer. Fluctuation in the score range depends on how clearly and specifically they articulate their response.

60-69: Students p Read More 

Provide almost no context or explanation of the exercises. Students may or may not have received what could be considered a correct answer. Fluctuation in the score range depends on how clearly and specifically they articulate their response.

<60: Students fail to submit the assignment or neglect to do it as described.

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