ENMT322 Occupational Health and Safety

ENMT322 Occupational Health and Safety

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ENMT322 Occupational Health and Safety

Week 5 Assignment

Create a new topic entitled “Week 5 Safety Hazards”.  Each student should sign up for a question and submit an initial answer to the Study Group by Friday.  Be sure to cite the source of your answer, from the assigned readings and supplement, if needed, by an additional source.  Read each others’ answers and provide feedback to each student in your group (peer review).  Edit your answer, if needed, and post it in the Week 5 Discussion.   Answer only the questions assigned to your Study Group (each person answers one question)  This assignment is worth 1% of your final grade.

Study Groups #1  and #4

Student Name Question
1. Fire: What are the classes of fires and which extinguishers are used for each?
2. Electrical: Define bonding and grounding and how they work together to increase electrical safety.
3. Electrical: What is a ground fault circuit interrupter (GRCI) and how does it improve electrical safety?
4. Fall protection: what is 100% fall protection?


Study Groups #2 and #5

Student Name Question
1. Fire: Compare and contrast carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in terms of their sources and health effects.
2. Fire: Define flash point, flammable liquids, and combustible liquids.
3. Electrical: Explain the difference between circuit load and short circuits.
4. Fall protection: Describe three means of fall protection


Study Groups #3 and #6

Student Name Question
1.Fire: Define the term, life safety, and provide two examples of its application to exits.
2. Electrical: Define potential difference, lightning, and grounding and explain the relationship among them
3. Fall Protection: describe the design requirements for a standard railing.



4. Ladders and scaffolds: What is the role of a “qualified person” when scaffolding is used? ______________________________________________________________ 

5. Confined space: What are the similarities and differences between a confined space and a permit-required confined space?

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