Discussion: Collapse of the Soviet Union

Discussion: The Collapse of the Soviet Union

Roskin discusses three theories about causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Choose one of these theories and explain how it relates to the collapse of the USSR, and assess and justify whether it relates to its internal or external foreign policy.

Discuss whether all three of the causes are equally at fault, or whether one, more than the other, is the basic culprit of the demise of the USSR.


Black Lives Matter Discussion Board

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Conduct a search on the internet using reputable news sources to gain insight into the Black Lives Matter movement.  Once you have familiarized yourself with the issue please answer the following questions:

1.  Define and explain the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.  What is it?  How did it originate?

2.  What is unique about its organizational structure?

3.  Soon after BLM became nationally recognized, some responses in the national discourse countered the group with the statement, “All Lives Matter”.  While not discounting that all lives matter, why was such a response viewed negatively and offensively by members of BLM and its supporters?

After you have posted your answers to these questions, respond to at least 2 other posts by your classmates

Servant Leadership in Diverse Contexts

While servant leadership is often associated with Christianity and the Bible, one could argue it is compatible with most religions and philosophies and that it transcends cultures. This assignment presents you with an opportunity to explore other cultures, philosophies, and religions and asks you to think critically about how servant leadership practices are apparent in other religious and cultural values.

Select one cultural context and one religious viewpoint (other than Christianity, its denominations, or something already discussed in the textbook) and examine how the principles of servant leadership are evident in that culture and religion. In a 1,250-1,500-word essay, identify similarities and differences between servant leadership’s philosophies and the values evident in the selected cultural context and religious viewpoint. Be sure to provide specific examples of practices and/or values in your discussion.

You are required to locate two articles that examine servant leadership from a different cultural perspective and two articles that examine servant leadership from a different religious perspective. Be sure to select academic articles from reputable sources that are 10-20 pages in length. Include information from the articles in your discussion.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Refer to the rubric attached titled, “Topic 3: Servant Leadership in Diverse Contexts,” prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

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