COUN 6360 Week 5 Competency Quiz

COUN 6360 Week 5 Competency Quiz

COUN 6360 Week 5 Competency Quiz: Reliability And Validity 
  1. Question: Concurrent validity is to criterion-… validity as discriminant validity is to construct validity.
  2. Question: The most important form of content validity is face validity.
  3. Question: Which of the following is NOT … to test worthiness?
  4. Question: “When a test has been shown to produce consistent test results, it has which of the following?”
  5. Question: Cross-cultural fairness in testing has always been a critical factor in the development of tests.
  6. Question: Item Response Theory (IRT) has the advantage over Classical Test Theory in that it provides more … information regarding each item in a test.
  7. Question: Alternate forms reliability eliminates some of the problems found in test-retest reliability but raises other concerns.
  8. Question: Concurrent and predictive validity are types of:
  9. Question: Probably, the most basic form of validity is content validity.
  10. Question: “A determination is made as to how scores on individual items relate to each other or to the test as a whole.” This statement refers to which kind of reliability?

COUN 6360 Week 5 Competency Quiz

COUN 6360 Week 5 Competency Quiz

COUN 6360 Week 5 Competency Quiz: Reliability And Validity
  1. Question: A test developer creates a new instrument to measure psychotic tendencies. She correlates this instrument with an existing test that measures psychotic tendencies that has been shown to be valid. This type of validity is … :
  2. Question: In assessing the reliability of a new test, a sample of 1,000 examinees take the test, and one week later are … to take the same test again. This is an example of which type of reliability?
  3. Question: Concurrent validity is to criterion-related validity as discriminant validity is to construct validity.
  4. Question: Practicality has to do with all of the following EXCEPT:
  5. Question: Which of the following is an example of negative correlation?
  6. Question: A type of reliability in which half of the test items are … with the other half is … :
  7. Question: Match each description to the term or concept … below.
  8. Question: Cross-cultural fairness in testing has always been a critical factor in the development of tests.
  9. Question: According to the text, which of the following is NOT a step to selecting and administering a good test?
  10. Question: “A test developer creates a new instrument to measure depression. He correlates this instrument with an existing test that measures anxiety. The test developer hopes to not find a high correlation, thus assuring the integrity of the construct he is measuring. This type of validity is
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