
Social media can be a powerful tool to help you get the word out to a wide audience in a relatively short amount of time.
Imagine that you are organizing a fundraiser for a local charity. Explore the various social media outlets discussed in this module or that you are aware of from your own personal and professional use (examples include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Instagram, etc.).
Compose two announcements advertising the event to be posted on two different social media sites. The first should be geared toward your friends, family, and other social acquaintances. The second should be written for co-workers or professional colleagues or acquaintances.

What types of media would you include in your announcements? Written, photographic, video, or audio? Would the same media be appropriate for both announcements? Where could you get this media? Is it OK to copy whatever clip-art you find on the web? Why or why not? Is it OK to use part of your favorite song? Why or why not?

Discuss which social network site would be most appropriate for each example and explain why. Be sure to include a brief reflection on the differences in tone, style, and content of the two postings in terms of their intended audiences.

Use properly documented sources outside of this course to justify, support, and expand on your response. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Post your response to the Discussion Area. Through the end of the module, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses.

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