Sustainable Home Creation
This worksheet is to show how you will create a more sustainable home. The key is to defend your choices with facts and citing your sources, you do not need to choose a single family home. Cite sources!
Current | Future Improvements | |
Described your indoor living space (i.e., square feet) | ||
Describe the location of your home and why it would be the best for you. Make sure to address: climate, geography, rural/urban/or suburban. | ||
3 materials in your home and how they can be more sustainable. | 1)
2) 3) |
2) 3) |
Energy use | What are 3 things that use the most energy in your home?
1) 2) 3) |
How can you decrease your energy consumption?
1) 2) 3) |
Water use | What are 3 things that use the most water in your home?
1) 2) 3) |
How can you decrease your water consumption?
1) 2) 3) |
References use (you should have at least 3)
Resources to help get you started:
1) Read the weekly reading in the textbook
2) Id climate based on state then closest city:
3) Learn more about sustainable materials:
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