Special Issues Presentation

Special Issues Presentation

Resource: Communication Research Methods Activity
Prepare a 6 to 8 slide (including a title and bibliography slide) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on special issues in communication. Pick one or more topics below and discuss how they relate to communication. Use the notes section to present your presentation.

  • Diversity
  • Ethics
  • Technology
  • Mass communication
  • Research

For instance: How do gender differences affect communication? How does technology affect communication between different cultures? Does diversity affect ethical decisions? How does technology affect ethical decision making?

Identify the research approach typically used for each issue you choose. You should support each concept with a reference or source. A minimum of two sources (one must be your text) are required.

You can use the Research Activity and Matrix as tools for answer these questions. You are not required to turn in the Matrix, but if can be used as one of your slides.

 Self Assessment Communication Style

Review “The Company You Keep and the Image You Project: Putting Your Best Face Forward in Online Social Networks” in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

Review your results from the What’s My Face-to-Face Communication Style? self-assessment.

Interpret the scores of your peers on the Peer Perception Survey.

Analyze how others perceive you and how you perceive yourself to determine appropriate strategies for improving self-esteem and interpersonal perception by answering the following questions:

  • How do you feel that others formed perceptions of you?
  • Were others’ perceptions surprising? Why?
  • What can you do to improve the accuracy of others’ assessments to your own?

Combine your analysis with your score interpretations.

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