Rose v. Council for Better Education
Access and read the two cases below:
- Rose v. Council for Better Education
After accessing the website, click the name of the case at the top of the page to access the full case. - Pauley v. Lincoln County Schools
Rose v. Council for Better Education was a very important case in Kentucky in 1989. Compare this case to the second, commonly called the “Recht Decision” in West Virginia in the early 1980s. This case addressed several things, but school finance and school aid formula were among them.
- What do you see as common themes throughout these two cases?
- What are some differences?
- Had you been the judge, how would you have ruled in each case?
- Do you believe the rulings were fair? Why or why not?
Challenges in Relationships
Journal 3: Challenges in Relationships – examine a specific relationship challenge you are now or have faced in a relationship with a friend/family member/romantic partner.
- Three theories or concepts for analysis**
- 2 single spaced pages in length
- The description section should be no more than 1 page in length
- Use only concepts/theories from Chapter 10 for this entry
Journal Guidelines
Each entry MUST be organized exactly as outlined below:
Context: Type the context at the top of this section (you will write the context of the interaction – where and when it occurred.) If you are unsure of what we mean by context of interpersonal interactions, read about it online and in the text. Remember, we use theory to explain, not general terms. For the Challenges Entry, your incident will focus on just one challenge from the following: jealousy, termination of a relationship, the impact of distance on a relationship, or deception. See the textbook and online lessons for information about how theories and concepts help us understand challenges in important relationships.
Interaction: Here, write the actual event, giving enough detail of what occurred so the analysis will be easily understood. Most people find it easier to write in a narrative form rather than a dialogue form, but it is your choice. The “Description” portion is about ½ page in length.
Concept/Theory: Begin by writing the name of the theory or concept (USE CAPS AND bold face so it is obvious to me) and write a 1 or 2 sentence explanation of the theory or concept, so it is clear you know what the theory or concept means. The theory or concept you choose should come directly from the chapter applying to the lesson. So, for the conflict journal, the theories and concepts you use to analyze your experience should come from the chapter dealing with conflict.
Application: Now, APPLY the theory or concept to the event you have described above. In this area you will explain why this theory or concept helps us to understand the interaction YOU PROVIDED IN THE “Description
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