Revised Scholarship Practice and Leadership Essay
Revised Scholarship Practice and Leadership Essay
Thus far in the development of your writing in COM/705, you have analyzed and critically evaluated the literature that you have read. In the next iteration of this assignment, you will elevate your critical thinking by synthesizing the literature and integrating your voice as a scholar.
Refine your Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership essay by implementing the faculty feedback from your first paper and the improvement strategies from your Week Two Revision Matrix.
Imagine you are in the room with the authors that you read in Week One. Expand on your essay by addressing the following questions:
- How will you contribute your informed voice to the conversation?
- What would you add during the dialog?
- What would be created as a result of your contribution?
- What new understandings would be created as a result of your contribution?
Review the Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership essay grading rubric, and make additional revisions to your paper to meet the assignment criteria. While the first part of the assignment dealt with analysis and evaluation, this second iteration of the assignment is focused on synthesis, the highest level of critical thinking. The goal of this rewrite is to add another layer of your thinking. In this iteration of the assignment, you will develop an informed opinion or voice to create and co-create models to make your thinking visible in your writing.
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