Professional Experience
. Due at the end of Week 5 (not eligible for late policy unless an approved documented exception provided).
- Follow the link above to download the PowerPoint presentation file titled “PPT_Resources.”
- Save the file to your desktop using the following file name format: Your_Name_Wk5_PPT.pptx
- Make sure to save it with your name!
- Locate an article, video, or other resource that relates to using PowerPoint or effective slide design. Using the saved PPT slide on your desktop, provide a summary of this resource on the provided body slide (slide 2). This should be a brief summary (much like Professional Experience #2). Include a link to the resource/information on the slide. Do not alter or delete any other students’ slides.
- Save the Your_Name_Wk5_PPT.pptx file. Upload your completed PowerPoint file to OneDrive by clicking “Upload” in the menu bar at the top of the OneDrive webpage.
- Browse to find your saved file on your computer.
- When the upload is complete, submit a copy of the Your_Name_Wk5_PPT.pptx file to Blackboard using the “Professional Experience #3” link in Week 5.
2. In order to receive credit for completing this task you must:
- Provide a useful article, video, or other resource on using PowerPoint and/or effective slide design.
- Include a brief summary of the resource on the slide.
- Limit your resource overview to one slide.
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