Module 2 Assignment   

“Personal Philosophy of Nursing”

In this module’s Assignment, you will draft a formal paper expressing your personal philosophy of nursing paper. In this paper, you will provide a framework for your personal practice of nursing and reflect on why you chose nursing as a profession. Your paper will define how you interact with patients, family members, other nurses, and other health care professionals.

Since this is your first formal paper for the program, be sure to use the resources listed below to ensure you are using the proper APAformatting, title page, and scholarly language. The utilization of APA format adds structure, organization and professionalism to your writing. Correct APA format is expected throughout the RN-BSN program.


ANA Code of Ethics

APA Resources- (click APA Style Help) (MS Word Tutorials for Beginners)

Review your course readings, lecture, and your Module 2 Resources before completing this module’s Assignment.

Performance Objectives

•             Compose a personal philosophy of nursing.

•             Correlate historical, ethical, and/or political factors influencing professional nursing

practice with what you believe the core of nursing is and should be.

•             Apply professional practice standards.

•             Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA)

format in writing professional papers.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper

•             Use the following outline to guide composition of your personal philosophy of nursing.

•             Follow both the content and format criteria in completing your composition.

•             Open a new Word document, and save it to your Desktop with the filename, “yourname_Personal_Philosophy,” inserting your name in place of “yourname.”

•             Begin your paper by setting the margins, font, and Header. (See MS Word Help)

•             Depending on your version of MS Word, there is assistance for APA Format under the Reference header as you are creating your paper. Choose APA 7th Edition. (See MS Word Help)

•             Click “Save” often to keep from accidentally losing your work.

•             Use the APA links provided above for all APA formatting in all assignments and discussion boards. Contact your Coach if you have additional questions.

Content Criteria

Section or Section Title  Description         How-To and Tips


Entire paper       •             1” margins all around

•             Double-spaced

Acceptable Fonts:

•             11-point Calibri

•             11-point Arial

•             10-point Lucida Sans Unicode

•             12-point Times New Roman

•             11-point Georgia

•             10-point Computer Modern 1

•             Professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and paragraphs composed of at least 3 well-written sentences each.     •             Select File – Page Setup…

•             Select Format – Font…

•             Select Format – Paragraph…

•             Select View – Header and Footer…

(Refer to the MS Word “Help and How To” links if you need help with any of these tasks.

Title Page

•             The title page should contain the title of the paper (Bold), thestudent’s name, and the institutional affiliation.

•             Type your title in upper and lowercase letters centered in the upper half of the page. The title should be centered and written in boldface

•             Your title may take up one or two lines

•             A student paper should also include the course number and name, instructor name, and assignment due date.

•             Use the “student” title page for your reference


Introduction       Overview of the paper (1-2 paragraphs) *just a note, do not use an abstract, just type a formal introduction.      Put title of paper at the top of this page: centered, bold, and in Title Case.

No section title for the introduction, just start paragraphs (Remember to indent each paragraph and double space)

Choice of Nursing            Why did you choose nursing? (2-3 paragraphs) Insert Section title, centered, bolded, and Title Case.

Then start paragraphs.

Essence of Nursing          What do you believe the core of nursing is and should be? Correlate historical, ethical, andpolitical factors influencing professional nursing practice. You must answer all 3 factors for full credit(2-3 paragraphs)      Insert Section title, centered, bolded, and Title Case.

Then start paragraphs.

(Do not start a new page; just continue in regular double-spaced body.)

Beliefs and Values           What do you believe about patients? (1 paragraph)

What do you believe about the patient’s family and significant others? (1 paragraph)

What do you believe about your fellow health care providers?

(1 paragraph)

What do you believe about your own health? (1 paragraph)        Insert Section title, centered, bolded, and Title Case.

Then start paragraphs.

(Do not start a new page; just continue in regular double-spaced body.)

Vision for the Future      What do you want to be doing in 2 years? (1 paragraph) 5 years? (1 paragraph) 10 years? (1 paragraph)          Insert Section title, centered, bolded, and Title Case.

Then start paragraphs.

(Do not start a new page; just continue in regular double-spaced body.)

Summary             What strengths do you have that will support your achievement of your professional goals? (1 paragraph)

What limitations will you need to overcome to achieve your professional goals? (1 paragraph)    Insert Section title, centered, bolded, and Title Case.

Then start paragraphs.

(Do not start a new page; just continue in regular double-spaced body.)

References         References

centered on top of page

•             At least 2 professional references.

•             Put references in alphabetical order by author’s name. “References” should be centered at the top of the page just below the header, bold.

•             Save your assignment document in MS Word 2010 version and above. Open Office and Office 360 documents will need to be saved as MS Word 2010 or MS Word 2013.

•             Submit your Word document (not this template) into Canvas for grading.

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