Non- Verbal Communication

 Non-Verbal Communication.  observe others in a public or private place such as a home, your quarters, etc. Choose one of the following items to observe. What did you learn about these people based on what you now know about non-verbal communication? Do you think your hunches are accurate?

  • Examples of immediacy, arousal, and dominance cues.
  • Examples of how people from “different” cultures use the four zones of personal space.
  • Examples of cognitive, monitoring, regulatory, and expressive functions of eye contact.

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Describe a conflict situation involving the competitive approach to negotiation. Explain how one of the collaborative communication techniques (expanding the pie, nonspecific compensation, cost cutting or bridging) could be used to transform the conflict. How does collaborative negotiation correlate with conflict styles?

Read “The Rainbow Development Water Problem” case on pages 274-275 of the text. Respond to the following questions:

Specify competitive, collaborative, and transformative approaches to defining this problem.

Describe each of the seven elements of principled negotiation and how it can be used to transform this conflict?

What are some ways to express anger productively?

What are some of the reasons change is difficult?

How do sadness, disgust, shame, and guilt influence conflict situations?

What are automatic thoughts and how are they connected to emotions?

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