How social media is affecting basic human social skills

Question: How social media is affecting basic human social skills

Find three public websites that address the question, and record the following details in a word document:

a permanent URL

the date you accessed the site

the date the content was written

the name of the author

Find an informative graphic or video related to the question. On the word report, record:

a permanent URL of the context in which the media was found

the date you accessed the resource

the date the resource was created

the name of the author and copyright holder

For each of the research materials found above, answer these three questions:

How did the author collect the information for this resource? (e.g. interviews, original research, personal experience, cited sources)

What is the author’s agenda? (e.g. to convince, persuade, warn, hype, sell)

What other biases might the author have about this material? (i.e. are they motivated to present the information in a particular light?)

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