Early Intervention Strategies Digital Poster and Brochure
Create a flowchart or graphic organizer depicting your understanding of the special education process and laws followed within a school or district. During this topic’s field experience gather information and materials provided to parents of individuals with exceptionalities for guidance.
In addition to your completed flowchart or graphic organizer, write a 500-750 word parent-friendly summary of the special education process. In the summary, explain the roles of the school, the parents, and the students.
· What do you think of when you hear the term “Communication Theory”? After reviewing the Week 1 materials, why do you think it is important to evaluate and study Communication Theory?
· After reading about the three traditional guidelines that are used to create Communication Theory, do you see communication behavior as being lawlike (Law Approach), like a system (Systems Approach), or rule governed (Rules Approach)? Explain your answer.
· We begin our exploration of Communication Theory by covering theories pertaining to “Communication and the Self.” What are the benefits of beginning with these intrapersonal communication theories?
· How does an exploration of intrapersonal communication theories allow you to understand the internal process people go through in order to gain clarity and comprehension in communication exchanges?
150 words per question
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