Basis of the western music tradition


1. What role did music play in the medieval culture – secular and religious? Provide at least 2 specific examples. How did medieval chant become the basis of the western music tradition?

2. What are the three main characteristics of the Gothic cathedral?  What were their functions?  Name two Gothic cathedrals.

3.   What changes in society and culture resulted from the rise of medieval towns?


4. Summarize the role and influence of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval life.

5. Name at least 3 characteristics of medieval art?  Look at the Domenico di Michelino Dante and His Poem and the CimabueMadonna Enthroned.

6. Look on the internet and find several pictures from the Book of Kells.  What is it? What type of genre does it represent? What non-Christian influences are apparent in the artwork?

7. What were the Crusades? Discuss the economic impact of the Crusades and pilgrimages.

8. Define iconography.  Why was it used?  What is its importance in medieval art?  Give two specific examples of medieval iconography.


All early civilizations – prehistoric, Near East, Egyptian, Aegean, and Roman – attempted to represent the human figure within their art. Within this essay, provide a comprehensive analysis of the similarities and differences in the representation of the human form in these early depictions. Address not only the artistic portrayal of the human body, but also how these art forms were significant within the culture in which they were created. Provide specific artwork examples (including identifying data, such as titles or source references)throughout your essay.


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