Assignment: Scientific Notation

Assignment: Scientific Notation

Another common method for transforming a number is scientific  notation. Science data can be very large (e.g., the speed of light) or very small (e.g., the diameter of a cell). Scientific nota on provides an abbreviated expression of a number so that scientists aren’t bogged down by a long series of zeroes. The base, coefficient, and exponent are the three components of scientific notation.

Base 10 is the most commonly used and makes the nota on simple to translate.

The coefficient is always a number between 1 and 10, and it uses the significant digits of the original number.

The exponent indicates whether the number is greater or less than one.

Assignment: Scientific Notation

Assignment: Scientific Notation

The scientific method gives us a great foundation to conduct scientific reasoning. The more data and  observation  we are able to make, the more we are able to accurately reason through the natural phenomena which occur in our daily lives. Scientific reasoning does not always include a structured lab  report, but it always helps society to think through difficult concepts and determine solution. For ex‐ ample, scientific reasoning can be used to create a response to the changing global climate, develop  medical solutions to health concerns, or even learn about subatomic particles and tendencies.

Assignment: Scientific Notation

Although the scientific method and scientific reasoning can guide society through critcal or abstract  thinking, the scientific industry typically promotes lab reports as a universal method of data analysis  and presentation. In general terms, a lab report is a scientific paper describing the premise of an experiment, the procedures taken, and the results of the study. They provide a written record of what

Percent Error = |(Experimental—Actual)|   x 100%        Actual

Percent Error =          |(10.1 m/s2 ‐ 9.8 m/s2)|       x 100%        (9.8 m/s2)

Percent Error =     |0.3 |    x 100%     (Note the units cancel each other out)       (9.8 )

Percent Error = 0.0306 x 100% = 3.1%   (Remember the significant digits)

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